What We Do

Let us all provide hope. Make a simple donation to support our activities.


Together we can

Doctors have recommended an open heart surgary to Save Hafiswa’s Life. But Hafiswa’s mother cannot afford to pay the medical bills for her daughter.

Together we can save baby Hafiswa’s life by donating what we have.


Helping Today. Helping Tommorow

PINA is a NGO established in 2008 to provide hope & support to youths especially those living with HIV through counseling and empowerment.


Get Involved

Together, we can save vulnerable children from starvation by providing food and clean water

Our volunteers take part in fundraising, feeding children, and organizing birthday paties

Birthday Gift for Children

Annual group birthday party for homeless children. Every 22nd of September, PINA Uganda organizes a group birthday party for homeless children. 


About Us




Core Priorities

Youth and women empowerment

At PINA Uganda, we believe that young women and youth can socially and economically be productive once fully equipped with the right information and skill. We support children/youth to have a positive outlook towards life by increasing their self -esteems, confidence and provision of sustainable lifesaving skills like provision of skills in urban farming. Urban farm gardens develop the capacity of youths in urban farming skills and provide alternative sources of income to support their households as well as boosting their nutritional status.

Through youth and women empowerment, we have mentored over 100 youth to in public speaking. Many have become advocates, activists, role models and resourceful people in their communities. Our mission is to support them to become leaders of today and tomorrow.

Psycho social support

Most of our beneficiaries are children/youth living with HIV (those born with HIV and those who acquired it by themselves) aged 15 years 28years), homeless children and survivors of child sexual abuse. They need counseling and a conducive environment to cope with their situations. We organize psycho social support group meetings and events to provide more information on life saving skills and strategies. Group activities include interactive health talks, get together parties, mentorship sessions, home visits, tailoring and knitting sessions, basic computer training skill to improve on their report writing skills and documentation skills and food donation campaigns. Most of these children/youth need to know that there are out there who care. People who are there to provide a shoulder for them to lean on since most of them have lost their parents.  Our goal is to support them to have a positive outlook towards life.psam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.

Community/Strategic partnership

At PINA Uganda, we believe that communities need to be looked at as partners rather than beneficiaries and assets, a solution rather than a problem, contributors and not receivers, if we have to support vulnerable children to dream dreams of a better tomorrow. They are the ones who consume the information regarding the new developments, appreciate and use it.

Communities can support in a number of ways by donating funds directly to any project of their choice, fundraise for us, support children and youths directly or support our initiatives by liking what we do on Face book, invite their friends to like what we do, follow us on twitter, connect with us on LinkedIn and watch our videos on YouTube.

Capacity Building.

PINA Uganda has a membership of over 45 youth volunteers and these have been trained to reach out other youths and individuals with child abuse/HIV prevention information in schools and communities. These have been able to reach out to over 10,000 individuals. They counsel, refer people for HIV prevention and treatment services, Identify cases of child sexual abuse and follow them in their communities; especially youths found HIV+ . They link PINA Uganda with communities, organize community education events, refer clients for specialized services and conduct radio and television talk shows.  

They also raise awareness about HIV/AIDS, child sexual abuse and menstrual health stigma among others through music, dance and drama, experience sharing and film acting through Roof and Equip Winnie campaign, HIV Prevention project in schools and communities and the Girls Mentoring Girls Project. The HIV Prevention project is aimed at providing HIV/AIDS prevention information to youths in and out of school to enable them feel responsible for protecting themselves against HIV/AIDS and to seek early treatment and adhere to drugs for those found positive. The Roof and Equip Winnie is aimed at establishing a safe shelter for survivors of child sexual abuse and sex trafficking. The Girls Mentoring Girls is aimed at supporting girls to stay in school.


Enduring childhood with HIV/AIDS in Uganda coupled with loss of parents is very difficult. After losing their parents, the plight of an HIV positive orphan in Uganda is one of hopelessness and often they live with weighty secrets, and feelings of isolation and anxiety about the future. They are often dealing with loss of parents, poverty, depression, discrimination, unemployment, under-education, and neuro-developmental delays.

PINA Uganda works with HIV+ children and youth to mobilize HIV+ youths, families and communities. We live to mobilize vulnerable youth both men and women- who are struggling to survive. We work closely with marginalized HIV+ youth and children who are in need of psychosocial and economic empowerment to cope with HIV/AIDS.  We create hope and happiness by giving them love; care and an environment to enable them achieve excellence. As we raise these children with elevated standards and expectations, they become the top segment of the same society from which they came. Our motto is “Create Hope and Happiness” among less privileged children and their families.


Our Latest News


The success of PINA UGANDA is contingent on your support. Your donations will help improve access to a bright future for vulnerable children and youths.

Marc Broere Volunteer

“I had the opportunity to witness the growth and development of children in need when I volunteered at pina Uganda. The children had experienced so much hurt in the past.”

Namatovu Hamidah Volunteer

“Our families just really wanted to make a difference. so we all made gifts to PINA [We] could not be more satisfied & confident knowing that our gifts positively impact children’s lives.”

Sophia Jacobs Volunteer

“Our families just really wanted to make a difference. so we all made gifts to PINA [We] could not be more satisfied & confident knowing that our gifts positively impact children’s lives.”

Anudeeta Guatam Volunteer

“I had the opportunity to witness the growth and development of children in need when I volunteered at pina Uganda. The children had experienced so much hurt in the past.”

Nalugo Shadia Volunteer

“Our families just really wanted to make a difference. so we all made gifts to PINA [We] could not be more satisfied & confident knowing that our gifts positively impact children’s lives.”

Atusimgwire Jonah Volunteer

“PINA Uganda has supported to appreciate voluntarism. I have gotten a chance to serve children living with HIV that I had not thought of before.”

Anjali Viashnau Volunteer

“Our families just really wanted to make a difference. so we all made gifts to PINA [We] could not be more satisfied & confident knowing that our gifts positively impact children’s lives..”

Nakato Eva Volunteer

“PINA Uganda has nurtured me to be the person who I am. It helped me realize myself and my self-worth, my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities.”

Namubiru Anitah Volunteer

“Working with PINA Uganda is a blessing for me. Before I couldn’t expose myself. They have empowered me to stand up and speak. They have given me an opportunity to meet with different men and women purpose. I have leant to socialize. I am actually am advocate for a girl child.”

Winnie Nansamba Volunteer

“I was a very quiet girl who didn’t want to talk about anything. PINA has opened my mind and made me confident. Right now I am an advocate for a girl child..”

Naziwa Deborah Volunteer

“For me PINA Uganda is home. It’s a safe haven. If you have issues, problems or if a storm is raging, you know you have somewhere to run to.  ”

Yasin Ssekamatte Nsereko Volunteer

“Proud to know PINA Uganda and my relationship with Them is very solid, bonded with principles. I think as long as I am living, my relationship with them will go on.”

Lubulwa Henry Volunteer

“The story of PINA Uganda is very inspiring and I feel proud being part of that story..”

Madinah Ismail Volunteer

“I feel at home working with PINA . PINA has made a difference in my life. PINA has made me believe that everything is possible.”

Mark William Lubega Volunteer

“It is really amazing working with PINA Uganda. If feels good to impact lives of children who have lost hope.”

Kigozi Red Angel Volunteer

“Our families just really wanted to make a difference. so we all made gifts to PINA [We] could not be more satisfied & confident knowing that our gifts positively impact children’s lives.”

Nakanwagi Florence Volunteer

“PINA Uganda is my home. PINA has to accept myself and to understand that there is so much I do for myself and my community. I am now a champion of menstrual health hygiene in my community. Thank you PINA Uganda. ”

Namuli Iren Volunteer

“I feel blessed to work with PINA Uganda. I feel blessed to be able to give a hand where possible.”

Namutebi Angela Volunteer

“Our families just really wanted to make a difference. so we all made gifts to PINA [We] could not be more satisfied & confident knowing that our gifts positively impact children’s lives.”

Namuvu Teddy Volunteer

“Our families just really wanted to make a difference. so we all made gifts to PINA [We] could not be more satisfied & confident knowing that our gifts positively impact children’s lives.”

Suubi ruth Volunteer

“Our families just really wanted to make a difference. so we all made gifts to PINA [We] could not be more satisfied & confident knowing that our gifts positively impact children’s lives.”

Namwanje Shakirah Volunteer

“Our families just really wanted to make a difference. so we all made gifts to PINA [We] could not be more satisfied & confident knowing that our gifts positively impact children’s lives.”

Senfuka Moses Volunteer

“I feel obliged, passionate and proud being part of a group of individuals with a big heart”

Lugoloobi Naseef Volunteer

“PINA has changed my life. I have managed to see life as precious and help others take care of themselves. Also to assist and serve humanity”

Sophia Jacobs Volunteer

“I feel so connected with all the children under the care of  PINA Uganda because it is really a network of dedication.”



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Keep in touch any time.


 Kasozi Road, Kanyanya Zone.
P.O BOX 15036 Kampala


+256 782 477891
+256 706 717159

